Till minne av en fantastisk svensk-amerikanska, bloggaren, Tina Downey, som gick bort den 23 augusti 2014.
Hon älskade solrosor. Alla som har haft kontakt med henne inom "blogosfären" har skänkt henne en solros:
Så här har Tina Downey skrivit om sitt liv:
Sweden right outside of Gothenburg, which is the port city on the West
coast. I immigrated to the US in 1974 when I was almost 9.
I'll save you the math. I'm 46.
Om sitt svenska språk skriver hon så här:
still speak Swedish fluently. It's fabulous to have a secret
language that you can be fairly certain that the average person
over-hearing you isn't going to understand. Convenient when the
subject is something rather personal, and you don't want those around
you to know that you're discussing say, the merits of certain body
parts belonging to the rather fine looking guy about
to bag your groceries.
Läs mer här om henne
Läs hennes dråpliga iakttagelser om utvalda svenska ord i hennes inlägg "
Postcards from Sweden":
Om hennes sista tid |
Hjärtliga hälsningar,
Tina (Nordeman)